Our Design & Development Services

Sitemaps & Wireframes

Information architecture and wireframing is the foundation upon which GreenTent approaches the building of a client's Web site - it is a blueprint that defines a site's structure, hierarchy, and navigation.

Sadly, many Web design companies skip this critical step and just build Web sites that look "cool" and have lots of flashy bells and whistles. The results are sites that fail at their primary function - building your brand and generating business for your company.

At GreenTent our designs are driven and informed by our expertise in optimization and marketing. That means that you benefit directly from the many skills and disciplines we use to uncover and ensure that your business needs and objectives are built into your Web site from the beginning - not as an expensive corrective afterthought.

We'll dive deep with you and conduct extensive content inventory surveys so you will have a high-level understanding of the size, scope, and major content areas we need to address in our design architecture.

We'll help you develop user targeted audience and prospect profiles or personas that will keeping our design team focused on your user's needs. We'll add to that knowledge, user scenarios, goals and objectives, and task flow analysis to describe how a user might navigate your site to easily accomplish a desired goal or task.

And finally, we'll develop sitemaps and wireframes of your Web site that show you the overall structure and hierarchy and provide the framework upon which we'll base the site design and navigation.

Information Architecture Wireframes combined with Site Maps are the bread and butter tools of information architects. They sound complex but, you don't have to worry because we do all the work for you.

You can rest easy knowing that the site we develop for you will not only look good but will work hard to bring in business for your company by converting visitors into customers - and that's really what it's all about! Isn't it?

Design & Programming

Let's face it, the days when you could have the kid down the street select a nice color scheme and some pretty graphics and slap together a Web site for you that works well are gone forever - if they ever existed at all.

Yes, most of us recognize that the Web has become a mature and robust platform for delivering information and conducting business, but many do not realize that it achieved this status by adopting some very specific standards and practices. Too often you see sites that haven't reconciled the push/pull relationship between form and function.

The problems happen when you move to far on the design side and your site ends up beautiful but with no traffic because it's invisible to search engines, and other technology - or, if you go overboard on function side and you may get a site that is programmed well but holds no appeal to a visitor or prospect who does find it.

That balance is where most firms get it wrong. They're either run by designers or programmers but rarely both. At GreenTent our focus has always been on building sites with elegant design & valid programming because we're a partnership of people from both backgrounds and disciplines, We bring our extensive design and technical expertise to every project we work on.

The bottom line: GreenTent specializes in building beautifully Web sites that make our clients money - and we work hard to do it! After all, elegant design & valid programming don't just happen by themselves.

eCommerce / Shopping Cart

If you've got a product to sell, offering it online through your Web site is a great strategy for building incremental revenue streams. If you want to do it right and not worry about compromising the security of your business, and give your customer's the confidence they need to purchase your product, you'll need a Web design & development partner who can handle vital ecommerce integration and operation.

Enabling secure online business is one of the benefits GreenTent offers it's clients. We use our core technical and design skills to deliver integrated, customizable, Web-based online shopping cart solutions for companies of all sizes. We specialize in secure, robust, and integrated solutions deployed through an easy-to-learn and manage Web-based platform.

With our eCommerce and Shopping Cart integration services you'll get:

-Affordable merchant account services for real-time credit card payment processing
-Search engine optimized integration that will help drive traffic to your online store
-Peace of mind with world-class Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate-based online e-commerce transaction protection.
-Experienced expert design and marketing services that will save you time and ensure professional results.

Expression Engine

Unfortunately, many designers don't use any system for managing a Web site's content at all - with the result being a site that is often unreliable or difficult and costly to update and manage.

GreenTent uses sophisticated state of the art industry-leading content management tools to build Web sites that work well and are easy to maintain. We recognize that this requires extra effort upfront but we know from experience that it pays huge dividends down the road. Frankly, there's no point - and no money saved - by skimping on this part of the process. So we don't!

Usability Design & Testing

One of the biggest mistakes many companies make is not using the benefits of the internet to their full advantage. You'll never have that problem with GreenTent because we understand how to track and measure Web site traffic and visitor behavior through deployment of sophisticated measuring tools and powerful optimization strategies.

This means you will have the knowledge needed to make changes to your site in small ways over time that produce higher levels of visitors or transactions. It's not easy, which is why so many firms don't offer these types of services. But, if you're not tracking and testing you're leaving money on the table - so let GreenTent help!

Contact Us About Working On Your Project!